Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Movie Wreckers Toys - groupshots

For an upcoming competition on the Ozformers fansite, I did up a groupshot photo of the toys for the three TF3 Movie Wreckers - Leadfoot, Topspin and Roadbuster.

Leadfoot - the Deluxe (from Japan, because it didn't get released in America), US Human Alliance (with driver & Steeljaw), SpeedStars Minivehicle, and both Legion class version (with and without the Target Logo). The only Leadfoot toy I'm missing is the Japanese Human Alliance figure, which is the same as the US one, but without any of the white logos on the car.

Topspin -Both Deluxe versions (regular and Armor), SpeedStars Minivehicle, Activator, SpeedStars Stealth Force, Legion class.

Roadbuster - Both Deluxe Versions (regular & Track Battle), Robofighter, Human Alliance (with driver), and Legion class.

Since the TF3 Movie toyline was wrapped up rather quickly, those were the only toys we got of each, which meant we didn't get a full set of the three in the same size-class, in weaponized mode.

While on the topic of groupshots, this was the result of me being too lazy to do a group shot of all my Bumblebee toys...

 (click on the pic to see it full size)
I was wondering what a group shot of all the Bumblebee toys in my collection would look like, but when I started running through a list in my head, I was well over 100, and just decided to go with a "Gen1 coloured" Starscream group shot instead.
It was just a pity that I took that photo just a few days before my JP MP-11 Starscream arrived, otherwise it would have been in it as well.

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